Wild Spots in Shanghai!

Last week, our founder Marta Arniani was in Shanghai with a European delegation of the T-Factor project. It was a blast! We were invited for the Urban Regeneration festival organised by Tongji University to report on our experiences with temporary urbanism and inclusion across Europe, and to confront with Chinese colleagues working on the topic. We had a full week of conferences, exhibitions, visits to urban regeneration projects and workshops. Marta had the chance to present Wild Spots work and the pilot done in Amsterdam this year centred on nature connectedness as a resource for individual and community well-being in our growing hyper-digital and cognitive cities. The placemaking experience made in Amsterdam was also featured in an exhibition about urban ecology projects hosted by the Design Innovation Institute. 

We have visited several participatory projects and neighbourhoods such as the NICE 2035 and the Xinhua communities.

We come back more motivated than ever: we know we are working on important topics for the future of our cities and we had several positive feedbacks on our innovative approach combining ecology, well-being and community.


